2012-03-29 22:00 加入 Google 行事曆
2012-03-29 10:00
961 台灣 臺東縣成功鎮基翬


  • 要求政府單位恢復三仙台風景特定區為自然保護區基翬地區原為自然保護區範圍內,因為開發而變更保護區的地目,改為可開發之區域,我們主張保護區回歸保護區,不該進行開發計畫。
  • 要求開發單位召開詳細且提供開發具體規劃書面資料的說明會經勘查確認基翬擁有特有珊瑚礁生態,並發現特有種"擬絲珊瑚",此生態極其珍貴及脆弱,同時為當地漁民重要生計漁場,故說明會需詳細說明開發對於環境及居民造成的影響,現場並有當地阿美族語口譯人員同步翻譯,解答居民疑問,並具體切結。
  • 要求開發單位污水零排放針對寶盛一案之建設,要求開發單位污水零排放,提高為三級污水處理設施,並將排放水完全回收。
東海岸是台灣最美麗的最後淨土,也是自然資源最雄厚的觀光勝地,當政府一直看不見台灣在地的美麗,我們希望凝聚你、我的力量,請大家參與連署,讓政府知道民眾要的是乾淨、純淨、美麗的基翬,並共同監督海岸最前線「開發」 的人。
發起單位:環境保護聯盟台東分會、台灣環境資訊協會、地球公民基金會、荒野保護協會、5 Surf….(陸續增加中)
May 2011, a developing project called “Bao-sheng Marine Eco-park” in the coast of ChangKang town, TaiTung County was suddenly announced. Although developer had held a public meeting, they didn’t intend to listen to any local opinion. In the meeting, the developer responded badly to the resident’s questions. The developing manager of Bao-sheng Corporation said: “There is no need to tell you any further information since our company had gained legal right to develop. Your feedback won’t change our plan; the meeting is only to show our kindness.” Worst of all, there was no Amis interpreter present during the meeting while most of the local people speak Amis rather than Mandarin.
The area where Bao-sheng Marine Eco-park is located is called “Ki-Hau” in local language; it is the best surfing site in Taitung and even lives a very rare coral species. We sincerely worry that Kihau is going to be destroyed by this developing corporation who is unwilling to communicate and not open to any suggestions. Not only the marine ecosystem may be highly impacted, the living right of local Amis resident will be violated as well.    
Here we claim:
  • Government should follow the old conservation regulation, do not exclude Kihau from Nature Reserve to cater to the developer.
  • Developer should publish further information about the development plan. Kihau has an endemic coral species “Pseudosiderastrea formosa” and is the important fishery field for local Amis communities. The environmental and social impacts of the development have to be carefully translated into Amis for local residents, and all their questions and doubts should be answered.
  • Developer should make sure that Bao-sheng Marine Eco-park achieves the highest standard of sewage management which means ZERO drainage. 
The East Coast is the last natural land in Taiwan as know as the last paradise. Its spectacular nature is also the priceless tourism resource; unfortunately, Taiwan government doesn’t recognize the value of East coast. 
When the government failed to supervise the development, we are the only hope to save our precious coast land. Please join the petition, together we can let Kihau as beautiful, as clean, as vivid as it should be. 
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union-Taitung, Taiwan Environmental Information Association, Citizen of the Earth, The Society of Wilderness, 5 Surf….. (more to be joining).
Action location: Ki-Hau, ChangKang town, TaiTung County
Contact TEL: +886-2-29332233
Contact email: teiaet@e-info.org.tw
  • 政府は、前の保護規制に従うべきである。開発業者に応えるために自然保護区からキハウを排除するものではない。
  • 開発業者は、開発計画に関する詳細な情報を公開する必要があります。キハウは特有サンゴ種 「Pseudosiderastrea formosa」があり、地元のアミ族の社会にとって重要な漁場である。開発による環境と社会への影響は地域住民のために慎重にアミ語で明確に説明する必要がある。住民の全ての質問や疑問に答えなければなりません。
  • 開発業者は、「寶盛水族生態遊樂區」が下水管理の最高水準を達成することを確保すべきである。つまり、ゼロ排出である意味である。
開催者: Taiwan Environmental Protection Union-Taitung, Taiwan Environmental Information Association, Citizen of the Earth, The Society of Wilderness, 5 Surf…今後他.
961 台灣 臺東縣成功鎮基翬
電話: (02)2933-2233#222 溫小姐