感謝你的參與【PURE Kihau 還我乾淨的基翬】連署行動,讓政府知道民眾要的是乾淨、純淨、美麗的基翬,並共同監督海岸最前線「開發」 的人,請填寫下面資訊完成連署,我們將定期寄送相關資料給您,跟您分享最新的進度和我們共同的努力。
發起單位環境保護聯盟台東分會、台灣環境資訊協會、地球公民基金會、荒野保護協會、5 Surf,感謝您的支持!
Dear friends,
Thank you for participating in “PURE Kihau Petition Action”. Your join brings more power to supervise the development along Kihau coast.
Please fill in the information below in order to complete the Petition. We will also share with you every updated information and progress.
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union-Taitung, Taiwan Environmental Information Association, Citizen of the Earth, The Society of Wilderness, 5 Surf….. (more to be joining).
Please fill in your E-mail address here: